Session 4–Visualizing Data
Let’s load our packages and import our data…
And then let’s start with the first two elements, the data and the aesthetic…
This gives us the axes without any visualization:
Now let’s add a geom. In this case we want a bar chart so we add geom_col()
That gets the idea across but looks a little depressing, so…
…let’s change the color of the bars by specifying fill = "steelblue"
Note how color of original bars is simply overwritten:
Now let’s add some labels with the labs()
And that gives us…
Next, we reorder the bars with fct_reorder()
from the forcats
Note that we could also use the base R reorder()
function here.
This way, we get a nice, visually appealing ordering of the bars according to levels of democracy…
Now let’s change the theme to theme_minimal()
Gives us a clean, elegant look.
Note that you can also save your plot as an object to modify later.
Which gives us…
Now let’s add back our labels…
So now we have…
And now we’ll add back our theme…
Change the theme. There are many themes to choose from.
the data10:00
Here is the code…
# in this ggplot() call, we add a third dimension for line color
ggplot(dem_waves_ctrs, aes(x = year, y = polyarchy, color = country)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) + # our geom is a line with a width of 1
x = "Year",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = 'Democracy in countries representing three different "waves"',
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Country" # make title of legend to upper case
Use geom_line()
to specify a line chart…
# in this ggplot() call, we add a third dimension for line color
ggplot(dem_waves_ctrs, aes(x = year, y = polyarchy, color = country)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) + # our geom is a line with a width of 1
x = "Year",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = 'Democracy in countries representing three different "waves"',
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Country" # make title of legend to upper case
Add third dimension to the aes()
call for line color…
# in this ggplot() call, we add a third dimension for line color
ggplot(dem_waves_ctrs, aes(x = year, y = polyarchy, color = country)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) + # our geom is a line with a width of 1
x = "Year",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = 'Democracy in countries representing three different "waves"',
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Country" # make title of legend to upper case
Modify the legend title…
# in this ggplot() call, we add a third dimension for line color
ggplot(dem_waves_ctrs, aes(x = year, y = polyarchy, color = country)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) + # our geom is a line with a width of 1
x = "Year",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = 'Democracy in countries representing three different "waves"',
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Country" # make title of legend to upper case
Solution: Use a colorblind safe color scheme like viridis
Use scale_color_viridis_d()
in this case to specify the viridis color scheme…
# in this ggplot() call, we add a third dimension for line color
ggplot(dem_waves_ctrs, aes(x = year, y = polyarchy, color = country)) +
geom_line(linewidth = 1) + # our geom is a line with a width of 1
x = "Year",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = 'Democracy in countries representing three different "waves"',
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Country" # make title of legend to upper case
) +
scale_color_viridis_d(option = "mako", end = .8) # use viridis color palette
to specify a continuous color scalegeom_line()
to specify a viridis color scheme10:00
ggplot(gapminder, aes(gdpPercap, lifeExp, size = pop, colour = country)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.7, show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_colour_manual(values = country_colors) +
scale_size(range = c(2, 12)) +
scale_x_log10() +
facet_wrap(~continent) +
labs(title = 'Year: {frame_time}', x = 'GDP per capita', y = 'life expectancy') +
transition_time(year) +
ggplot(gapminder, aes(gdpPercap, lifeExp, size = pop, colour = country)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.7, show.legend = FALSE) +
scale_colour_manual(values = country_colors) +
scale_size(range = c(2, 12)) +
scale_x_log10() +
facet_wrap(~continent) +
labs(title = 'Year: {frame_time}', x = 'GDP per capita', y = 'life expectancy') +
transition_time(year) +
Example# Load packages
library(vdemdata) # to download V-Dem data
# Download the data
democracy <- vdem |> # download the V-Dem dataset
filter(year == 2015) |> # filter year, keep 2015
select( # select (and rename) these variables
country = country_name, # the name before the = sign is the new name
vdem_ctry_id = country_id, # the name after the = sign is the old name
polyarchy = v2x_polyarchy,
gdp_pc = e_gdppc,
region = e_regionpol_6C
) |>
region = case_match(region, # replace the values in region with country names
1 ~ "Eastern Europe",
2 ~ "Latin America",
3 ~ "Middle East",
4 ~ "Africa",
5 ~ "The West",
6 ~ "Asia")
# View the data
Use filter()
to select years…
# Download the data
democracy <- vdem |>
filter(year == 2015) |> # keep 2015
country = country_name,
vdem_ctry_id = country_id,
polyarchy = v2x_polyarchy,
gdp_pc = e_gdppc,
region = e_regionpol_6C
) |>
region = case_match(region,
1 ~ "Eastern Europe",
2 ~ "Latin America",
3 ~ "Middle East",
4 ~ "Africa",
5 ~ "The West",
6 ~ "Asia")
Use select()
to choose variables…
# Download the data
democracy <- vdem |>
filter(year == 2015) |>
select( # select (and rename) these variables
country = country_name, # the name before the = sign is the new name
vdem_ctry_id = country_id, # the name after the = sign is the old name
polyarchy = v2x_polyarchy,
gdp_pc = e_gdppc,
region = e_regionpol_6C
) |>
region = case_match(region,
1 ~ "Eastern Europe",
2 ~ "Latin America",
3 ~ "Middle East",
4 ~ "Africa",
5 ~ "The West",
6 ~ "Asia")
Use mutate
with case_match()
to Recode Region….
# Download the data
democracy <- vdem |>
filter(year == 2015) |>
country = country_name,
vdem_ctry_id = country_id,
polyarchy = v2x_polyarchy,
gdp_pc = e_gdppc,
region = e_regionpol_6C
) |>
region = case_match(region, # replace the values in region with country names
1 ~ "Eastern Europe",
2 ~ "Latin America",
3 ~ "Middle East",
4 ~ "Africa",
5 ~ "The West",
6 ~ "Asia")
# number on the left of the ~ is the V-Dem region code
# we are changing the number to the country name on the right
# of the equals sign
ggplot(democracy, aes(x = gdp_pc, y = polyarchy)) +
geom_point(aes(color = region)) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm", linewidth = 1) +
scale_x_log10(labels = scales::label_number(prefix = "$", suffix = "k")) +
x= "GDP per Capita",
y = "Polyarchy Score",
title = "Wealth and democracy in 2015",
caption = "Source: V-Dem Institute",
color = "Region"
) +
scale_color_viridis_d(option = "inferno", end = .8)